“Flux Capacitor” // The Band of the Hawk drop creative new rap video for upcoming album

After wowing us all a while back with their Woah Vada release, “Ghosts In The Machine [Remix]”, Texas’s The Band of the Hawk have returned with another stellar contribution. Gearing up for the unleash of their April 20th album, “Kangol”,...

10:45 PM

“Army” // Owen Mc Grory gets the troops marching with new Hiphop/EDM dance tune

“I know my name is on the map!” After dropping such a climatic single, Owen Mc Grory could not be more correct. His heavy, danceable track “Army” is capable of making insane waves across the United Kingdom, and European continent. That is beca...

8:00 AM

“Days Of Our Lives” // Philly Blocks drops visuals for street anthem

Philly Blocks is as slick as can be on his fresh, Kentucky anthem, “Days Of Our Lives”. Packed with an accompanying music video, which features the rapper fancying a typical, Louisville night, this new-age trap smash is beyond impressive. Th...

8:16 PM

Blackajack - "Rage"

Download: Spotify: Blackajack Rage Spotify Link  I Tunes: Blackajack Rage ITune Link  Shazam: Bla ckajack Rage Shazam Link  Deezer: Blackajack Rage Deezer Link  Napster:  Blackajack Rage Napster Link  Purchase On Amazon:  B...

1:34 PM

“Basic Instincts” // Matt Movin trap mixtape tells his story of growing up in the streets

It is said that growing up in chaotic environments has a way of molding people. When constantly surrounded by death, turmoil, tragedy and poverty, many suffer a trauma to their humanity. In order to survive, they must revert back to their mo...

1:30 PM

“Soul 4 Real” // P.A.T Louisiana's Finest collabs with Slaughthouse artist, KXNG Crooked on new banger

If you were unaware of the city of Opelousas’s existence before, P.A.T. will be damned if you are not enlightened by the end of this record. He, alongside iconic emcee, KXNG Crooked, land on “Soul 4 Real” with the intention of leaving a ma...

3:33 PM

Akash - "TIP TOE"

Fresh off his “First Class Tour” in India, New Jersey native Akash released a surprise track “Tip Toe” in the wake of fan’s anticipation of his upcoming album “I Wanted to Tell You” set to release, March 29th. With multiple released studio a...

12:23 AM
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